Farm Services
Herd fertilityHerd Fertility
Good reproductive performance plays a pivotal role in any herd, whether it be dairy or beef. At The Vet Group we cover all aspects of reproductive management, from data collection and record keeping to development of mating programs and investigations of poor reproductive performance. A key to herd fertility is a successful heifer rearing program, however once in the herd, maintaining their fertility is the challenge.
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Any cow that has twins, dead calf; milk fever or retained membranes eight hours after calving is at risk of developing infection in her uterus. We offer a service to check and treat these cows and in some circumstances will advise whole herd metrichecks.
Non-cycling cows
Every chance there is to mate a cow and improve her chance of being pregnant includes the opportunity to bring non cyclers and late calvers on heat sooner. Progesterone devices and PG are useful tools we offer to treat these animals.
Pregnancy testing
Our team excels in pregnancy diagnosis using the latest scanning technology. This is backed up with collection and analysis of data and herd fertility reports. Most herds are pregnancy tested at morning milking or whatever alternative time suits. Foetal sexing can also be done on smaller numbers from 9 weeks when requested.
Herd synchrony programs
There are many synchrony programs available to farmers. Not all of these will suit every farm. The Vet Group team is able to advise farmers on the pros and cons of each program. We also offer technical services to implement the programs during milking.
Bull fertility assessments
Bulls soundness exams are a regular service we offer to farms prior to mating to ensure that fertility is no hindered by lack of quality bull power. The service includes:
- Physical examination of each bull’s penis and scrotum
- testing and evaluation of semen
- vaccination programs for protection against vibriosis and Pestivirus
- preventative hoof blocking