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The importance of diagnostic testing

Getting the correct diagnosis is an important part of herd health. This is both when investigating disease outbreaks or when monitoring herd performance. Below are just some of the diagnostic tests we have available at the Vet Group. Have a read and talk to one of our...

Forage crop diseases

It’s a bumper year for summer forage crops such as turnips, forage rape, millet, and sorghum.  But these tasty feeds are not without their risks. Below are some diseases we can see when animals are grazing crop. Usually only a couple of animals are affected, but...

Colostrum: liquid gold?

We don’t like to say that something will be a silver bullet for preventing disease, but first-milking colostrum could be considered liquid gold! Colostrum is full of antibodies and white blood cells that help newborn calves fight disease. It’s also got more fat...