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Minimising lameness this winter

Lame cows are frustrating, especially when the weather – which we have no control over – plays such a big part in increasing the risk of sore feet. Below are several things you can do to minimise the risk of lameness in wet conditions. This, in turn, will reduce the...

Plant poisons! Detectives at work…

At last week’s TAP’s On day at Timboon P-12, Dr Zoe Vogels helped organise a fun CSI Timboon activity. It involved students working through stations to help “Farmer Bob” work out what had caused his two cows to suddenly die. One of the stations was all about poisonous...

1 in 5 bulls don’t make the grade

Do you ever ask yourself questions like; How many bulls should I run? Are my bulls sufficiently fertile? Should they be vaccinated? Could bulls be spreading disease through my herd? Will the bulls make it through the season? If you’re asking yourself any of these...

Leptospirosis: A double threat

Protecting your family, staff and valuable stock are critical reasons to include 7in1 vaccination in your herd health program. Leptospirosis can be a devastating disease in herds and in people. In cattle it can give rise to a number of syndromes including mastitis and...

Calving First Aid Refresher

With the new season’s calves starting to make an appearance we thought it would be timely to revisit the physiology of the calving process and the common reasons why interventions may be required. As with any medical emergency, the success of calving first aid is...